Who Hires Us and How It Works

Who Hires Us

Family and Friends

  • Adult children, spouses, and family members seeking holistic ways to navigate an Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis
  • Those looking for ways to combat boredom and loneliness their loved one is experiencing
  • Those seeking strength-based ways to help a loved one reengage in old passions and discover new interests given changes in medical conditions
  • Those seeking training and support on how to navigate personality changes their loved one may be experiencing
  • Family and friends seeking unique and creative ways for their loved one to experience joy and connection

Geriatric Care Managers, Fiduciaries, and Eldercare Professionals

  • Those seeking non-pharmacological ways to support wellness and enhanced quality of life in their client through one-on-one engagement in life
  • Care Managers who are looking for additional clinical experience on the care team by a professional who is solely focused on quality of life
  • Assessing and understanding expressions of unmet needs (behaviors) for those living with memory loss
  • Fiduciaries looking to enhance the quality of life of clients through customized experiences focused on enrichment and engagement
  • Those seeking support for clients in managing anxiety and changes resulting from new/progressing medical conditions, living situations, and life circumstances
  • Assessing and creating holistic quality of life plans for their clients to experience
  • Specialized training for care professionals on in-home activities
  • Eldercare Communities looking for programming to enhance older adults’ experiences through creative engagement and unique programming